Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Siding Square Calculator

Let us see about siding square calculator.  The square feet are one of the measurements of siding the square. The measurement tool of square feet is denoted as sq ft. The square foot is the plural term of the square feet. The length of the siding square is calculated for the 2 dimensional objects.

Formula for the Siding Square:

Let us see the siding square formula’s which is used by the calculator. The formulas are described as below.
  1. Siding square of the rectangle     = b * h.
  2. Siding square of the square         = a * a.
These are all the formulas which are helped to find the siding square.

Examples of Siding Square:

Let us see some examples of siding square which are used by the calculator.

Example 1:

Find the siding square for the rectangle with the help of calculator, where the base has 8ft and the height is 7ft.


Step 1: First, choose the siding square object.

siding square calculator

Step 2: Enter the base length in the calculator.

siding square calculator

Step 3: Enter the height of the rectangle.

siding square calculator

Step 4: Choose the calculate option in the calculator. The calculation is done by the formula of b * h.

siding square calculator

Step 5: Choose the exit button after getting the siding square.

These are procedures used to calculate the siding square of the rectangle.

Example 2:

Find the siding square for the square with the help of calculator, where the side’s lengths are 12ft.


Step 1: First, choose the siding square object.

siding square calculator

Step 2: Enter the side length of square in the calculator.

siding square calculator

Step 3: Choose the calculate button in the calculator. The calculation is done by the formula of a * a.

siding square calculator

Step 4: Choose the exit button after getting the siding square.

These are procedures used to calculate the siding square of the square.

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