Monday, April 8, 2013

Solve Algebra Fraction

Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the rules of operations and relations, and the constructions and concepts arising from them, including terms, polynomials, equations and algebraic structures. Here we are going to study about How to solve algebra fraction and its example problems. (Source from Wikipedia)

Algebra fraction:

In algebra fraction is a simple fraction it contains algebraic expression in either numerator or denominator.

`(3x+3) / 2` = 3

Example problems:

Example: 1

Solve the following algebraic equation 

`(2x+4) / 2` + `(3x+3) / 4` = 6


Here we have two fraction term and both have different denominator so we take Common denominator

Least common denominator = 2 * 4 = 8

Multiply first term with 4 we get

`(8x+16) / 8` + `(6x+6) / 8` = 6

Now both denominators is equal so take away

`1/ 8` {(8x+16) + (6x+6)} = 6

Multiply both sides 8 we get

8 * `1/ 8 ` {(8x+16) + (6x+6)} = 6 * 8

In left hand side 8 will be canceling

(8x+16) + (6x+6) = 48

Combine the like terms we get

14 x + 22 = 48

Add both sides -22

14x + 22 -22 = 48 -22

14x = 26

Divide both sides 14 we get

x = `26 /14`

The simplest fraction is `13 / 7`

Therefore the value of x = `13 / 7`

Example : 2

Solve the following algebraic equation

`(3x+3) / 2` = 3


Here the denominator is 2

So multiply both sides 2 we get

2 `(3x+3) / 2` = 3 *2

In left hand side numerator 2 and denominator 2 will be canceling

3x +3 = 6

Add both sides -3 we get

3x+3-3 = 6 -3

3x = 3

Now we get without fraction is simple algebraic equation.

Divide both sides 3 we get

x =` 3 / 3`

Therefore the value of x = 1

Example: 3

Solve the following algebraic equation

`4 / (2x+3)` = 3


Multiply both sides (2x+3)

(2x+3) * `4 / (2x+3)` = 3 (2x+3)

Numerator (2x+3) and denominator (2x+3) will be cancelling

4 = 3 (2x+3)

4 = 6x+9

Add both sides -9 we get

4-9 = 6x+9-9

-5 = 6x

Therefore x = - `(5/6)`

The value of x – `(5/6)`

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